Page name: Gods Of Elfpack [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-09-27 20:47:26
Last author: Ultra Hunger
Owner: Ultra Hunger
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Gods Of Elfpack / God Registration / List Of Gods / List Of Gods II / Gods Of Elfpack Banquet
Gods Of Elfpack Banners / Gods Of Elfpack Temples / Gods Of Elfpack Suggestions
Gods Of Elfpack Arena / Gods Of Elfpack Crew


Best Wiki Award, June 2005


We are the rulers of this mortal world. We, who have with stood the boundaries of time itself to bring everlasting power to the lands. We, are the Gods of Elfpack.

Welcome to the Gods Of Elfpack! Here is where you can find a list of the different, so called, gods of elfpack. If you would like to be one of the gods, and the thing you want to be the god of is not taken, please feel free to write down your selection at God Registration and i will inform you if you were approved or denied


Rule #1 No weird request such as "can I be the God Of Dog Food"

Rule #2 You cannot be the God of all Gods or the Goddesses of all Goddesses so please stop asking me. I am the king of the gods and I control everyone’s destiny here.

Rule #3 There can only be 1 god to each ability there cannot be a God of Ice and a Goddess of Ice it may cause a fight between the two and things could get ugly.

Rule #4 Look at the List Of Gods/List Of Gods II before you make your god selection. I hate always telling people that something is already taken, so make sure to look it up first!

Rule #5 Say whatever you want here, about anything you want I will not kick you out for it, but don’t insult or start fights with any of the members in this wiki unless they deserve it. if you want to be an asshole take it some were else.

Rule #6 Don't put any banners up or make any changes without asking me first.

Rule #7 If I don't like you. Get the hell out of here!

Concequence for breaking any of the rules is exile from the club.


All gods have been destroyed and striped of their powers I have wiped out all the olympions and we are starting over a new and stronger race will prevail.

~God Registration~
~List Of Gods/List Of Gods II~
~Gods Of Elfpack Temples~
~Gods Of Elfpack Banquet~
~Gods Of Elfpack Banners~
~Gods Of Elfpack Suggestions~
~Gods Of Elfpack Arena~
~Gods Of Elfpack Crew~

This wiki was created by [Ultra Hunger] on December 20th, 2004 
And then it was erased by [Ultra Hunger] and restarted clean slate on April 4th, 2007

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2005-06-01 [Undertow]: lol mine would have been alot meaner (perverted) but that'll do nicely

2005-06-01 [Roosey]: Let me we're thinking all kinky like?

2005-06-01 [Undertow]: ^__^ maybe

2005-06-01 [Roosey]: -nods- thought so. -sighs- lol

2005-06-01 [Undertow]: hey i'm a guy with a currently warped mind

2005-06-01 [Roosey]: I'm a guy too lol.

2005-06-01 [Capture And Embrace.]: er yea same ><

2005-06-01 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: ...

2005-06-01 [Roosey]: oO;;

2005-06-01 [Capture And Embrace.]: oO" *falls over*

2005-06-01 [Undertow]: strange people

2005-06-01 [Capture And Embrace.]: theres nothing wrong with strange

2005-06-01 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: ..yea

2005-06-01 [Capture And Embrace.]: see she agrees

2005-06-01 [Undertow]: that's because she doesn't know the difference between normal and us...we are the latter lol

2005-06-01 [Roosey]: Huh?

2005-06-01 [Undertow]: we're odd ones and she knows no difference between odd and normal

2005-06-01 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: huh...what did i miss??????

2005-06-01 [Ultra Hunger]: i'm a chick with a dick

2005-06-01 [Roosey]: Oh.

2005-06-01 [Undertow]: .....we knew the already...just like i'm a lesbian trapped in a guy's body lol

2005-06-01 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: *hugs [Undertow]*

2005-06-01 [Roosey]: -blinks-

2005-06-01 [Undertow]: lol what's that for?

2005-06-01 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: *hugs [Roosey]*- im huging random ppl

2005-06-01 [Undertow]: ahh okay then lol

2005-06-01 [Roosey]: -coughs- no touchie

2005-06-01 [Ultra Hunger]: pins [Roosey] down quick everyone touch him!

2005-06-01 [Roosey]: What no!!!

2005-06-01 [Undertow]: *pokes and removes wallet and runs...coming back quickly...damn broke people

2005-06-01 [Roosey]: Hey..I'm not broke I'd probly have like 50 dollars in there!

2005-06-01 [Capture And Embrace.]: *runs*

2005-06-01 [Ultra Hunger]: Punches [Undertow]* let me see that wallet.... hes right there is a 50 who wants to go out to eat? i'm buying!

2005-06-01 [Roosey]: -runs and trips, then sits on the ground and looks at [Ultra Hunger]- Gimmie, my money back..

2005-06-01 [Ultra Hunger]: What are you gonna give me? :-D

2005-06-01 [Undertow]: you didn;t have any that's why i brought it back

2005-06-01 [Roosey]: I'll give you a chance to give me my money back before I hurt you

2005-06-01 [Undertow]: you had no money...that's why i bitched about you being cheap!

2005-06-01 [Roosey]: Fine maybe I'm bluffing..and so what if I'm cheap lol

2005-06-01 [Undertow]: it doesn't matter i'm cheap too

2005-06-01 [Roosey]: Lol.

2005-06-01 [d o n e]: Cheap

2005-06-01 [Undertow]: ^__^ you know it! lol

2005-06-01 [Roosey]: haha yeh we are

2005-06-01 [Undertow]: oh well it's all good

2005-06-01 [Roosey]: Hehe yeh lol

2005-06-01 [d o n e]: -dances to Avril- Is it enough to love, is it enough to breath? lol

2005-06-01 [Undertow]: errrr bad music *runs*

2005-06-01 [d o n e]: You kidding!?! I like Avril, I also love Orgy, slipknot, Deadsy, The Used, Blink 182 lol

2005-06-01 [Undertow]: i like orgy a little, slipknot's OLD stuff is good but the rest...i run from

2005-06-01 [Ultra Hunger]: i like being in orgy's?

2005-06-01 [d o n e]: ......-burst out laughing- God you guys are pricless! -hugs everyone- I'm in a happy mood^^

2005-06-01 [Undertow]: your sick man

2005-06-01 [Ultra Hunger]: oooh lets take advantage of this. Ali... can I have some money?

2005-06-01 [Ultra Hunger]: I wasn't being serious about the orgy thing

2005-06-01 [Undertow]: good

2005-06-01 [d o n e]: -stops laughing and gets a serious face on- I dun think so.

2005-06-01 [Undertow]: heh see she's as cheap as we are

2005-06-01 [d o n e]: Hey now...I have a dollar in change

2005-06-01 [Undertow]: i i actually have more than $10 for once.....i have $14 (and it's going towards computer parts so no you can't have any lol)

2005-06-01 [d o n e]: Well..I have to turn this thing (on the roof of my mouth) and it hurts like a bitch and I have to do it twice a day for two weeks and my Grandma is giving me $5 each time I turn it and so in 2 weeks I get 28 dollars

2005-06-01 [Undertow]: what thing???? sounds odd

2005-06-01 [d o n e]: I have braces and I don't know what it's called, but I have to turn it twice a day and it spreads the roof of my mouth further apart it hurts.

2005-06-01 [Undertow]: oh it's a retainer

2005-06-01 [Ultra Hunger]: i have 5 cents

2005-06-01 [d o n e]: Nope.

2005-06-01 [Undertow]: ok then

2005-06-01 [Ultra Hunger]: Wheres Bill?

2005-06-01 [Ultra Hunger]: we won 3rd p[lace for best wiki. next time lets try for #1 but I need help from everyone

2005-06-01 [d o n e]: You can't re-enter a wiki...I don't think you can, once you entered a wiki you can't do it again.

2005-06-01 [Roosey]: Yes Ali is right. It's rule number 5. 5. Previous winners can't be nominated: they can't win the prize again and thus will be excluded from the wiki-poll.

2005-06-01 [DenDen]: yes yes once you won once you cannot ever nominate the wiki again

2005-06-01 [Ultra Hunger]: well... we're gonna have to come up with something new aren't we?

2005-06-01 [Roosey]: I guess

2005-06-01 [Ultra Hunger]: give me a few days. I'll think of something cool for us

2005-06-01 [Roosey]: Oh okay.

2005-06-01 [Ultra Hunger]: Something completly different. something that will take elfpack by storm. something that everyone will want to join. I just don't know what that something is yet.

2005-06-01 [Roosey]: What about a little bit of everything? Like make a servay of what everyone likes, (like random people) and ask like "What kind of wiki would you like to see on EP" or somthing like that.

2005-06-01 [Ultra Hunger]: I am trying to think of something where everyone can be a character and play a roll I mean gods of elfpack you can say your a good but you can't really do anything with it.

2005-06-01 [Roosey]: Oh.

2005-06-02 [DenDen]: thats sort of like a rp O.O

2005-06-02 [Roosey]: oO;

2005-06-02 [DenDen]: do something like City of the Gods or somethingI dunno >_>

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: whats an rp?

2005-06-02 [DenDen]: its um a Roleplaying ._.

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: oh

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: :P

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: Devil boy i've missed you

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: *pcch*

2005-06-02 [Roosey]: -blinks and walks away-

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: you blink alot maybe you need glasses?

2005-06-02 [Roosey]: I do have glasses..I just use them for reading...that's it.

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: can you read this? <^> -_- <^>

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: ._.

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: @_@

2005-06-02 [Roosey]: Yes I can read this.

2005-06-02 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: What are we talkin about?

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: I dont know

2005-06-02 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: okeee

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: ><

2005-06-02 [GODofMUSIC04]: so your god of music has arrived!!

2005-06-02 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: HAHAHAHAHAH AAAAHAHHAA.... um your goddess is already hear

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: woah everyones chillin at the the main hall

2005-06-02 [Roosey]: ...?

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: :P the god has been her

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: :P the god has been here

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: why didn't you just edit the first one you wrote?

2005-06-02 [Roosey]: Hehe....<<;;

2005-06-02 [GODofMUSIC04]: no u aint my accompinant goddess

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: I didnt mean toooooo *falls over*

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: Well I know more metal bands than yo udo

2005-06-02 [GODofMUSIC04]: some metal (music) is cast into the shawdos by me because it has no relivance

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: Meh so what you know Who Turtmilion Katilot is?

2005-06-02 [~!~GreenDay~!~]: i kno a hella lot about music

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: kids, kids no fighting

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: we know lol

2005-06-02 [GODofMUSIC04]: but can you read it and play multi instruments?? and are you a music major?? and live eat breath and sleep music????

2005-06-02 [GODofMUSIC04]: besides... ur the friggin goddess of darkness...dont be taking over my territory sister (*snap-snap)

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: i'm the god of chaos and thats whats breaking out in here ahhhhhhh

2005-06-02 [Roosey]: huh?

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: [Ultra Hunger] God Of Chaos?

2005-06-02 [Undertow]: he has a point there

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: *cough cough* wow hes gay [GODofMUSIC04]

2005-06-02 [GODofMUSIC04]: whot me or mancans?

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: yes i do play multi instruments

2005-06-02 [Undertow]: ...both lol

2005-06-02 [GODofMUSIC04]: ahem.... idont apreciate that....

2005-06-02 [GODofMUSIC04]: not u talkin to green day person

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: i'm not gay.... i'm bi

2005-06-02 [Undertow]: okay in retrospect and reading what you said...dude you are a fag

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: so you dont have to snap like a gay man

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: whos fighting with who in here? i lost track

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: um people

2005-06-02 [Undertow]: umm devilboi is fighting with sir-humps-alot of boys [GODofMUSIC04]

2005-06-02 [GODofMUSIC04]: ok now ur fuckin pissin me off leftie....shut up now~~~!!!!!

2005-06-02 [Roosey]: I'm confused -dies from confusion-

2005-06-02 [Undertow]: i rpolly know more about music than you do and i like pissing people off so i think i'm gonna keep it up fag-mo

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: lefty....calm down. take a deep breath.


2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: HAha lame ass come backs humps alotta boys

2005-06-02 [Roosey]: hehe

2005-06-02 [Undertow]: i'm just fine..i'm just in a mood to be a dick to someone and devilboi gets enough heat from me...and this guys dissing a friend of the gloves are off

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: alright i'm gonna start deleting the insults you people throw back and fourt at eachother if you don't calm down

2005-06-02 [Roosey]: Can I yell at somone?

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: *sign* I thouhg you were the peace maker?

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: yea shit he insulted sarah

2005-06-02 [Undertow]: i'm being nice he just isn't.....he has NO room to talk about multi-insturments...he doesn't even look like someone who plays an imnsturment, he looks like someone you'd find in a cubicle wrapping tape around his glasses

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: Oh.....My.....God's!!!!


2005-06-02 [Undertow]: hey being a wise-ass comes with my title so it's all good lol

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: don't kill yourself over this. I need a god of Music

2005-06-02 [Roosey]: I am..somtimes...fine! PEOPLE STOP YELLING AT EVERYONE! OF YOU DON'T STOP I WILL LIKE....HURT YOU ALL! <<;;

2005-06-02 [Undertow]: i can pull double...i can make you a list longer than this page of diff bands i like....also can make one of ones i don't...hell my SN is a band

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: *laughs* Kill yourself over a stupid fight over something really stupid I couldnt care if you died anyway

2005-06-02 [GODofMUSIC04]: well its as holes like them that cause a person to turn that way, and i get pretty close sometimes...nothanks to little shit heads like them..

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: geeze... did everyone get there period this week?

2005-06-02 [Undertow]: really that's devilbois area..he's the resident emo had to poke fun a bit

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: :P oh gee thanks XD no not really anymore

2005-06-02 [Roosey]: What are YOU guys fighting about anyways?

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: *bangs head on table* I give up you all can insult eachother till you wear your keyboard for all I care. I'm just gonna sit here and think of ways to make this wiki better.

2005-06-02 [RabidSphinx]: much yelling...what about?

2005-06-02 [Roosey]: I dunno...<<;;

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: >< you do that

2005-06-02 [Undertow]: [GODofMUSIC04] is a wimp that makes himself feel better by bashing others and being extremely gay in the process

2005-06-02 [GODofMUSIC04]: theyre being asholes cause i was kiddingaround with them lust for sorrow... now theyre being dick heads..

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: yeaaa

2005-06-02 [RabidSphinx]: what were you kidding around about? may i ask

2005-06-02 [Undertow]: i'm not being a dick i'm just pointing out the fact that you look more suited for a cubicle than a concert

2005-06-02 [GODofMUSIC04]: no its called promoting tolerance and equality..when ass holes like you classfy others becasuse of their actions you piss me off cause im sick of ppl doin that

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: And the fact you dissed sarah

2005-06-02 [Roosey]: I give up..

2005-06-02 [Undertow]: yeah that's another's not funny...and you really do not look anything like a god of look more like a god of harry potter or a god of geekyness

2005-06-02 [GODofMUSIC04]: yea well (a) looks can be deciving (b) dont judge a book by its cover (c) respect others as you wish to be treated and they will equaly respect you (matthew 22:2)

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: yea

2005-06-02 [RabidSphinx]: what Sarah do we speak of? and i think regardless of how we look, we should be able to do as we like (within the law) i don't atest to labeling people...i think [Undertow] needs to be a little more openminded

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: <img:>

2005-06-02 [GODofMUSIC04]: i wont say anything aobut the geekyness cause that is ok cause i choos to be the band geek... adn to lildevil ... who the fuck is saraH???

2005-06-02 [Undertow]: yeah well..."you can't help my absence of faith" (closer-nine inch nails...1994)

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: beuing random hoping this will change the subject and everyone will quit the figting

2005-06-02 [GODofMUSIC04]: thankyou rainedrops

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: I dont believe there is a god

2005-06-02 [Undertow]: i'm nto being close minded i'm just agreeing that his bashing of others to make himself feel better needs to stop

2005-06-02 [Roosey]: If it makes you feel better..I'm a Geek..a Computer Geek.

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: Yea same but I dont get my moods of bashing things XD

2005-06-02 [Undertow]: i happen to make mods for the sims i guess you could call me a geek too but i don't look it

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: I need to tkae a shower and get the anarchy and writing off my arms

2005-06-02 [GODofMUSIC04]: hey you started the bashing just caus i did the snap thing...

2005-06-02 [RabidSphinx]: i think yall need to just cool down. we are who we are...yall need to be a little more accepting. don't let labels rule you life...

2005-06-02 [Undertow]: have fun.....weirdo lol

2005-06-02 [Roosey]: -sighs- How about we all just make fun of me? and just keep our tempers down.

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: yea people like to write on me for some reason......they wrote on my arms my face and on my shirt

2005-06-02 [Undertow]: not mine i happen to be extremely unique... i think i'm the only one here that can go from listening to snoop dogg to fear factory on the same cd.....and have equal likings of both

2005-06-02 [RabidSphinx]: well, i listen to Rob Zombie and Britney Spears, so i guess we are equal lefty

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: isn't fear factor a show?

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: ergh I hate rap hip hop and pop >< all they talk about is sex drugs and girls

2005-06-02 [GODofMUSIC04]: everyones unique... and what is your range of listenings?? genere wise...

2005-06-02 [Ultra Hunger]: rap music makes me want to have anal sex with a girl

2005-06-02 [Capture And Embrace.]: metal rock heavy meatl goth and alternative

2005-06-02 [Undertow]: well i liek the music quality of some rap...(i dont' like all rap) i like the music in the background music normally i usually tune the vocals out or mute them completely if the mp3 is of high enough quality

2005-06-02 [RabidSphinx]: i listen to a little country, little oldschool rock, little rap (if i like it) a little pop, a little punk, a lot of metal...i like music

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